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Getting Started with the Coral API

The Coral API is a GraphQL API. A GraphQL API exposes it's data as structured object types and enables developers to write queries that fetch only the specific data that they need for their application.

You can also explore the Coral API using the integrated GraphiQL IDE on a running instance of Coral.


  • Applications must authenticate with an access token.
  • Only administrative users can integrate with the API directly. This means that the Coral API cannot be used for a native app integration which would require non-administrative users to interact with the API.

Quick Start

Get an access token

Coral's GraphQL API requires you to generate an access token for authentication. You can get an access token by using the coral-cli:

coral-cli token:create --domain "{{ CORAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}" --name "{{ accessTokenName }}" --json

Where {{ CORAL_DOMAIN_NAME }} is the domain name of the instance you're authenticating to (including the scheme like http://localhost:8080 if you're using http). You should get a response containing a JSON payload with the following structure:

"token": {
"id": "00c125f6-ec9a-4fe9-9a72-89a34cce5e2e",
"name": "test",
"createdAt": "2021-02-23T19:52:22.993Z"
"signedToken": "eyJhbG...M31PJU"

The signedToken in the response should be used as the {{ accessToken }} when making API requests to Coral's GraphQL API. Anyone using this token will be able to do anything the user that created this token can, so keep this safe! This token does not currently expire. You can list existing tokens using the following:

coral-cli token:list --domain "{{ CORAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}" --json

You should get a response containing a JSON payload with the following structure:

"id": "00c125f6-ec9a-4fe9-9a72-89a34cce5e2e",
"name": "test",
"createdAt": "2021-02-23T19:52:22.993Z"

You can revoke tokens using the following command:

coral-cli token:revoke --domain "{{ CORAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}" --id "{{ accessTokenID }}"

Where {{ accessTokenID }} is the id from the token:create or token:list responses. This will mark the token as revoked and will prevent that token from being accepted for future calls to the Coral GraphQL API.

Make an API request

Once you have an access token, add it to the Authorization header when making an API request:

curl --request POST \
--url https://{{ CORAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}/api/graphql \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {{ accessToken }}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"query": "{ sites { nodes { name allowedOrigins } } }"}'

You should get back a response like:

"data": {
"sites": {
"nodes": [
"name": "News Site One",
"allowedOrigins": [""]

When using the Coral API in your application, you may want to use a client library that provides native support for GraphQL APIs.

GraphiQL IDE

It is not required to enable the /graphiql playground to use Coral’s GraphQL API. The playground simply provides an easy way to explore and interact with Coral’s GraphQL schema. You can enable the GraphiQL IDE interface at http://localhost:8080/graphiql when running in development. You can do this by adding:


In your environment. We do not recommend using this in production environments as it will disable many security features used by the application!

Persisted Queries

You might see an error like RAW_QUERY_NOT_AUTHORIZED. This means that you attempted to use either no token, or a token from a user without admin privileges. In Coral, we whitelist the GraphQL mutations and queries that are performed by the applications for security reasons meaning that only admin users can make arbitrary queries against the GraphQL API.