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input SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput {
enabled: Boolean
allowRegistration: Boolean
targetFilter: SettingsAuthenticationTargetFilterInput
clientID: String
clientSecret: String


SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput.enabled ● Boolean scalar

enabled, when true, will enable Facebook as an authentication integration.

SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput.allowRegistration ● Boolean scalar

allowRegistration when true will allow users that have not signed up before with this authentication integration to sign up.

SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput.targetFilter ● SettingsAuthenticationTargetFilterInput input

targetFilter will restrict where the authentication integration should be displayed. If the value of targetFilter is null, then the authentication integration should be displayed in all targets.

SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput.clientID ● String scalar

clientID is the Client Identifier as provided by the Facebook Developer Console.

SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput.clientSecret ● String scalar

clientSecret is the Client Secret as provided by the Facebook Developer Console.

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SettingsAuthIntegrationsInput input