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ReactionConfiguration stores the configuration for reactions used across this Tenant.

type ReactionConfiguration {
icon: String!
iconActive: String
label: String!
labelActive: String!
sortLabel: String!
color: String


ReactionConfiguration.icon ● String! non-null scalar

icon is the string representing the icon to be used for the reactions.

ReactionConfiguration.iconActive ● String scalar

iconActive is the string representing the icon that should be used when the icon should be considered active.

ReactionConfiguration.label ● String! non-null scalar

label is the string placed beside the reaction icon to provide better context.

ReactionConfiguration.labelActive ● String! non-null scalar

labelActive is the string placed beside the reaction icon to provide better context when it has been selected.

ReactionConfiguration.sortLabel ● String! non-null scalar

sortLabel is the string placed inside of the sort menu to sort for comment with most reactions.

ReactionConfiguration.color ● String scalar

color is the hex color code that can be used to change the color of the button.

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Settings object