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type StorySettings {
live: LiveConfiguration!
moderation: MODERATION_MODE!
premodLinksEnable: Boolean!
messageBox: StoryMessageBox!
experts: [User!]!

Fields ● LiveConfiguration! non-null object

live provides configuration options related to live updates on this Story.

StorySettings.moderation ● MODERATION_MODE! non-null enum

moderation determines whether or not this is a PRE or POST moderated story.

StorySettings.premodLinksEnable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

premodLinksEnable will put all comments that contain links into premod.

StorySettings.messageBox ● StoryMessageBox! non-null object

messageBox stores settings related to the Story Message Box.

StorySettings.mode ● STORY_MODE! non-null enum

mode is the specified mode that the story should be updated with.

StorySettings.experts ● [User!]! non-null object

experts are used during Q&A mode to assign users to answer questions on a Q&A stream. It is an optional parameter and is only used when the story stream is in Q&A mode.

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Story object